Pierre’s CI is a simple, scriptable (TypeScript), event based system, that allows you to run jobs and manage rich integrations with Pierre’s UI.


$ npm i pierre

What it looks like

At it’s simplest this is Pierre CI:

// .pierre/ci/helloworld.ts

import { run } from "pierre"

export const label = "Hello world";

export default async () => {
  await run(`echo "hello world"`);

Every top-level file in .pierre/ci is automatically run as a job in our default Docker container. To create a new job, create a new file. All top-level jobs are run in parallel. Files included in nested directories (e.g. .pierre/ci/util) are not run as jobs.

Provide a label to give your job a name, otherwise the filename will be used.

Job handlers are executed every time a branch detects a new push. In the future we will likely add additional events for “comments”, “merges”, etc.


Job files in Pierre export a label (used to name your job) and a default function or array of functions.

If you return an array, each function will be evaluated serially:

export const label = "Serial Tasks";

export default [

Each Job is called with an id and a branch:

export default async ({id, branch}) => {
  if (branch.name === "🍔") throw new Error("No burgers allowed");

  console.log("Burger free zone")

Everything logged from the default job will be streamed to the Jobs pages in Pierre (https://pierre.co/[team]/[repo]/jobs/[…branch]).


Failing a job

There are a few ways to fail a job. The first, and the most recommended, is to simply throw an error:

export default async () => {
  throw new Error("This job failed… 😢");